
Thursday 2 August, 2018
From 2008 to 2017, Togo’s rice output soared by more than 64%, from 85,637 metric tons to 140,519 metric tons…

Thursday 2 August, 2018
World Bank will finance the creation of an agricultural research centre in West Africa. This was announced by Pierre Laporte,…

Monday 16 July, 2018
Togo will receive technical support from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) under the African Agricultural Transformation Technologies (AATT)…

Monday 16 July, 2018
MIFA (Mécanisme Incitatif de financement agricole), the scheme launched with great enthusiasm to encourage investments in the agricultural sector receives…

Monday 9 July, 2018
Last week, Nouvelle société cotonnière du Togo (NSCT) rewarded the best cotton producers of the six production regions in Togo.…

Monday 9 July, 2018
In line with its goal to make agriculture one of the country’s growth pillar and job provider, Togo’s government launched…

Friday 6 July, 2018
Togo’s raw cashew exports to India, the world’s largest processor, soared by 54% to 9,088 tons at the beginning of…

Thursday 5 July, 2018
Togo’s agricultural sector has recorded some positive results these past two years. Data disclosed at the recent national farmer forum…

Thursday 5 July, 2018
Like each year, the government just ended its tour across Togo’s various economic regions to distribute soybean seeds to seed-bearers…

Wednesday 4 July, 2018
Togo recorded during the 2018 agricultural season a food surplus of about 21% spurred mainly by strategic speculations such as…

Monday 2 July, 2018
For the new campaign started at the end of May 2018, cotton producers in the Savannah region eye an optimal…

Thursday 28 June, 2018
The board of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) approved on June 27 a CFA10 billion financing for Kara’s agropole,…

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