Economy - MPower Ventures AG, a Swiss solar energy company active in several African countries, including Togo, has secured €1.1 million in funding from the...
Economic governance - Togo and Barbados teamed up to create an Afro-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Transport, and Tourism. Kovi Adanbounou, mayor of Agoè-Nyivé 1,...
Health - By the end of January 2025, Togo’s student health insurance program, SCHOOL AMU, had raised CFA356 million, according to the National Health Insurance...
Economic governance - Togo’s capital, Lomé, is hosting a sub-regional workshop on urban resilience and climate risk management, convening experts in West Africa. Organized by...
Economic governance - Togo has taken a major step forward in technical and vocational education. On March 18, 2025, four key institutions—Institut national de formation et de...
Economic governance - Togo will participate in the 2025 Osaka World Expo which begins on April 13 and ends on October 13. Ahead of the event, the Togolese Ministry of Industry...
Public Management - Togo is moving forward with the African Development Bank's Projet de Renforcement de l'Environnement PPP pour la Promotion des Investissements...
Justice - The World Bank will support the establishment of 12 new community justice houses in Togo. Four of the houses will be in the Savanes region. The support...
Public finance - In response to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) suggestion to cut VAT exemptions to boost its public revenue, Togo plans an in-depth audit of its...
Agriculture - Togo launched its 2025 cashew marketing campaign on March 13, 2025, with a significant price increase. The new price is CFA425 per kilogram, up from...
Education - Over the past weekend, Togo’s University of Lomé (UL) sealed a major deal with SIGMA Scientific Group (Togo) and CESI École d'ingénieurs (France). The...
Health - Moustafa Mijiyawa, formerly Minister of Health of Togo, is running for the position of World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for...
Economic governance - The High Authority for Quality and the Environment (HAUQE) in Togo, through its technical agency, the Togolese Metrology Agency (ATOMET), conducted...
Agriculture - Last year, the Institut de Conseil et d'Appui Technique (ICAT) provided over CFA1 billion in agricultural financing, benefiting 12,310 farmers, including...
Economic governance - Inflation in Togo eased slightly to 2.8% in February 2025, down from 2.9% in January, according to INSEED data. This minor decline occurred amidst mixed...
Public services - The Togolese government is taking a bold step to empower women entrepreneurs. On March 11, 2025, a mobile ID operation kicked off at Adawlato Market,...
Economic governance - Star Garments Group Limited is about to start operating at the Plateforme Industrielle d'Adétikopé (PIA). Helped by the National Employment Agency (ANPE),...
Economic governance - Nearly 100 Togolese economic operators from various sectors are heading to China from March 13 to 24, 2025. As part of an initiative organized by the Togo...
Services - Togo is gearing up for the second phase of its National Water Development Programme (PND Eau), a project backed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and...

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At the fifteenth position, worldwide, and first in Africa, under the Starting a Business index of the 2020 Doing Business ranking, Togo sustains its reformative dynamics with more reforms….



Compared to some years ago when it was one of the lowest rankers under the Doing Business’ Enforcing Contracts indicator, Togo, leveraging many efforts to improve its business climate, was able to jump significantly on the index in the recent years... .


Creation of special chambers of commerce for small debts  • Creation of chambers of commerce at the Court of Appeal  • Civil and commercial cases now handled by distinct clerks  • Establishment of commercial courts in Lomé and Kara  • Lawyers and bailiffs now have access to the FORSETI COMMERCIAL platform • A maximum period of 100 days was fixed to settle a commercial dispute .



In comparison to previous years,Togo has significantly improved its ranking under the“Trading across borders” indicator by adopting multiple reforms that focus mainly on the digitization and reduction in delays, for import and export procedures related to import and export.

In comparison to previous years, Togo has significantly improved its ranking on the “Trading across borders” index by adopting multiple reforms that focus mainly on the digitalization and reduction in delays, for import and export procedures related to import and export.



After moving from the 133rd to 127th place under the 2020 Doing Business’ construction permit index, Togo intends to reiterate this feat in the coming edition of the global ranking. To this end, it has introduced this year multiple reforms.



Over the past two years, Togo’s ranking under the Doing Business’ Getting electricity and water indicator has increased consistently. Owing this performance to multiple reforms aimed at making it easier for businesses to access power and water, Lomé plans to introduce even more reforms this year to keep up its improvements.



Out of all the 'Doing Business’ indicators, Property Registration is where Togo has improved the most since 2018. Indeed, after spending years in the lowest part of this ranking, the country now seeks to beat Rwanda which is the best performer on this index in Africa. To do so, Lomé has been introducing many reforms, with the latest batch implemented this year.



From professionalization to digitization, through legislative regulations, Togo’s public procurement framework is constantly being modernized. Several reforms have been implemented to improve the sector much to the benefit of the private sector, which is the focus of the National Development Plan.



To improve its business environment, Togo introduced some important reforms related to the payment of tax and duties. From the replacement of some taxes to the cancellation of others through exemptions, the country has only one objective: offer the most attractive tax framework to investors and economic operators. To achieve this, the authorities relied on digitization.



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