Public finance

Wednesday 17 January, 2024
Togo expects its earnings from patent tax to rise by 92.4% in 2024, YoY. Also, the government expects an economic…

Friday 12 January, 2024
Togo’s first issue on the WAEMU stock market was successful. The country raised CFA25 billion through the operation, a twin…

Friday 12 January, 2024
Over half of the total budget allocated to Togo’s 31 ministries this year will go to five of them. The…

Thursday 11 January, 2024
The Togolese tax office, Office Togolais des Recettes (OTR), launched a campaign to publicize the 2024 Finance Act on January…

Tuesday 2 January, 2024
The Togolese National Lottery (LONATO) contributed CFA6.04 billion to the national budget in 2022. This was recently disclosed by the…

Thursday 28 December, 2023
The Togolese parliament adopted the 2024 finance bill last week, on December 22. The budget stands at CFA2,179 billion–expenditures and…

Tuesday 19 December, 2023
Starting next month, Togolese residents will be able to pay the Motor Vehicle Tax (TVM) and secure their Tax I.D…

Thursday 7 December, 2023
The Finance Committee of Togo’s National Assembly is reviewing the country’s finance bill for 2024. Kicked off on December 6,…

Thursday 23 November, 2023
In Togo, tax exemptions cost the State almost CFA140 billion between January and September 2023, an increase of 18% year-on-year.…

Friday 17 November, 2023
Togolese authorities collected CFA729 billion in taxes and duties in the first three quarters of 2023. The country’s general directorate for…

Monday 9 October, 2023
Togo’s National Assembly revised its 2023 finance act last week, at the request of the government. Initially set at CFA1,957.9…

Monday 18 September, 2023
On Friday, September 15, 2023, the Togolese government successfully raised XOF32 billion on the West African Economic and Monetary Union’s…

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