World Bank finances the creation of an agricultural research centre in West Africa

Thursday, 02 August 2018 16:04
World Bank finances the creation of an agricultural research centre in West Africa

(Togo First) - World Bank will finance the creation of an agricultural research centre in West Africa. This was announced by Pierre Laporte, the institution’s director of operations in Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire, last week during a press conference in Abidjan.

The centre which will cost $70 million should help countries in the region to better develop their agricultural policy, and “better address farming issues”, Laporte indicated.

In the long term, the project would help modernize farming and improve farmer’s connectivity, via e-farming. The latter aims to boost farmers’ visibility, both physically and virtually, thus allowing them to sell their products more easily.

In line with its vision to support Africa’s development, the World Bank actively intervenes in key sectors such as agriculture and education. The institution in Togo is engaged in many projects and plans under its new 2017-2020 partnership framework to boost its support to the country, knowingly by investing more in agriculture.

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