Government to purchase 3.5 million Itanew vaccine doses to vaccinate poultry

Tuesday, 03 April 2018 16:24
Government to purchase 3.5 million Itanew vaccine doses to vaccinate poultry

(Togo First) - As part of its poultry vaccination campaign,Togolese government, via the ministry of agriculture, husbandry and fishery, wants to purchase 35,000 vials of 100 inactivated vaccine doses with adjuvant, making a total of 3,500,000 doses.

According to a document obtained by Togo First, these vaccines fight the Newcastle disease. Financing for the project should be provided by the Agricultural Sector Support Programme (PASA).

Tender for the purchase has already been launched and the vials will be bought wholly. This process, according to the source will occur just like any other international tender: procurements are to be financed with IDA’s loans.

Vaccination campaign sponsored by PASA help boost poultry production in Togo. In fact, from 2011 to 2017, data shows that related output tripled from 8 million poultry units to 25 million.

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