PAIEJ-SP: CFA17.2 billion distributed and more than 55,000 jobs created since 2016

Monday, 07 February 2022 16:49
PAIEJ-SP: CFA17.2 billion distributed and more than 55,000 jobs created since 2016

(Togo First) - Between its launch in 2016 and the end of December 2021, the Support Project for Youth Employability and Integration in Growth Sectors (PAEIJ-SP), distributed CFA17.2 billion to young Togolese agripreneurs, according to data provided by this program.

The sum is twice the CFA7.5 billion the institution planned to share over the period under review.  It was raised through 15 financial partner institutions (including microfinance institutions). These donors have financially supported a total of 669 young people against 780 planned, 1,457 SCOOPS (Cooperative Societies) against 1,000 initially planned, and 23 SMEs / SMIs, against 12 planned.  

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Regarding technical support, the PAEIJ-SP said it supported 31 SMEs, against 12 planned; trained 1,420 young people (against 1200 initially planned) on the development of business plans and business creation, and supported 3,178 agricultural groups, against 1,000 planned.

The various initiatives led to the creation of more than 55,000 direct jobs, of which 27% were allotted to women, and nearly 750,000 seasonal jobs (of which 38% were for women). This is as a result of its technical support to the 31 SMEs/SMIs.

The PAIEJ-SP is co-financed by the government of Togo and the African Development Bank (AfDB). Deployed across the whole country, the program covers the following sectors: corn, cassava, soybeans, small ruminants, and poultry. Earlier this month, donors and agricultural actors involved in the project met to talk about the financing of the upcoming 2022-2023 agricultural campaign, with a focus on sustainability.

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