Togo: From 2014 to 2017, PASA helped establish 45,000 ha of additional coffee and cocoa plantations

Tuesday, 08 May 2018 12:54
Togo: From 2014 to 2017, PASA helped establish 45,000 ha of additional coffee and cocoa plantations

(Togo First) - Agricultural Sector Support Programme (PASA) has helped boost cash crop yields in Togo. From 2014 to 2017, the scheme enabled the development of more than 45,000 ha of coffee and cocoa plantations. This was disclosed by a high official of the sector, during the setting up of an anti-fire committee in Wawa prefecture.

Another element that helped increase area dedicated to cocoa and coffee farming was the project to support export-oriented crops. The latter is the second sub-component of the national programme for agriculture investment and food security which is in its first phase. The programme’s achievements were however impaired by wildfires, among others.

This explains why an anti-fire committee is being set. This unit will draw strategies to mitigate risks of wildfire and other challenges threatening to reduce areas dedicated to cash crop. In line with this objective, sensitization and training sessions will be organized. 

Séna Akoda

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