Togo: Food Security Agency opens new sales points across the country

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 11:55
Togo: Food Security Agency opens new sales points across the country

(Togo First) - In Togo, the National Food Security Agency (ANSAT) opened new sales windows on May 3rd, according to the agency’s top management. 

The ANSAT added that the new windows take only bundled orders from public and private entities, in all prefectures, as well as orders from poultry farmers. Orders must be addressed to the ANSAT’s general directorate in Lomé or general directorates in regional capitals. 

By opening new sales points, the government agency aims to boost food security in Togo. About two months ago, on March 20, the ANSAT launched its nationwide sales campaign. As part of the latter, it has been selling 25kg and 50 kg bags of rice, corn, beans, and sorghum. Overall, 200 tons of corn has been made available to each of the five regions of the country.

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