Togo: Olam commits to ramping up cotton output this season

Thursday, 10 June 2021 13:29
Togo: Olam commits to ramping up cotton output this season

(Togo First) - Olam International, a major food and agri-business company and new shareholder of the Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), recently committed to boosting Togo’s cotton output for the new season. This is after a drop of 43% in production during the 2020-2021 season. 

The global giant, in effect, launched on June 9, 2021, the 2021-2022 season, in Tsévié, with new objectives. 

This campaign must irrefutably translate the commitment we collectively made to the Head of State; that of producing 225,000 tons of cottonseed by 2025,” said Martin Drevon, Deputy Director-General in charge of operations at the NSCT.

As the campaign was being launched, the different actors of the sector met and discussed ways to “mobilize cotton farmers around new actions aimed at boosting the production.” 

In this framework, “farmers who cannot afford them will receive tractors,” said Kouroufei Koussouwè, chairman of the National Federation of Cotton Farmers’ Associations. “We also have harvesting equipment for those who want to harvest,” he added. 

During the previous season, 2020-2021, Togo, let’s note, produced 66,000 t of cottonseed, 43% less than it did the season before, knowingly 117,000 t.

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