PIA and MIFA provide 24 tractors to agricultural cooperatives

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 15:00
PIA and MIFA provide 24 tractors to agricultural cooperatives

(Togo First) - In Togo, the Plateforme industrielle d'Adétikopé (PIA) and its risk-sharing-based Agricultural Financing Mechanism (MIFA) recently provided 22 agricultural cooperatives with tractors. The handover ceremony took place on September 29, in Lomé.

In detail, the cooperatives received 24 tractors and accessories including plows, cultivators, seeders, and trailers.

1 Tracteur

The equipment, according to the PIA and MIFA, will help tackle labor shortages, while increasing sowing area and improving farmers’ revenues. 

These are tractors that have been sold to them (ed. Note: the farmers) but they have the choice to repay over 3 or 4 years. So they will have to work and over the years, and at harvest, they will deliver these products directly to us, or the PIA and we will gradually deduct the money until the payment is settled,” said Laté Tété, MIFA's Director of Technical Operations and Projects.

Through this move, the PIA supports the growth of Togo’s industrial fabric, helps valorize local products, and fosters wealth creation and youth employment.

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