Togo: Over CFA1 Billion Distributed to Over 12,000 Farmers in 2024

Thursday, 13 March 2025 15:55
Togo: Over CFA1 Billion Distributed to Over 12,000 Farmers in 2024

(Togo First) - Last year, the Institut de Conseil et d'Appui Technique (ICAT) provided over CFA1 billion in agricultural financing, benefiting 12,310 farmers, including 4,770 women. 

The ICAT’s main mission is to organize producers and integrate them into agricultural value chains. So far, it has helped set up 1,408 cooperatives with nearly 30,000 members. These cooperatives were connected to aggregators, generating CFA4.2 billion in turnover, according to a report cited by Union pour la Patrie.

The ICAT also supported 19,574 farmers with mechanized farming tools, enabling the tiling of more than 37,000 hectares. Additionally, it established 693 school fields and 170 demonstration units to promote modern farming techniques.

Under its modernization strategy, the ICAT monitored 229 Planned Agricultural Development Zones (ZAAP) in 2024. These zones covered 26,502 hectares and involved 27,019 producers, including 11,055 women.

The Togolese government aims to improve these results by 2025 by diversifying funding sources, increasing mechanization efforts, and adopting innovative agricultural technologies. So far, certified seed coverage has risen from 4.2% to 12% for maize and 6% to 15% for rice.

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