Togo: Food Production Up in 2022

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 17:34
Togo: Food Production Up in 2022

(Togo First) - Togo’s food production rose slightly in 2022 compared with the previous year, according to a report by the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO).

Production of corn, the country’s most grown and consumed cereal, stood at 977,300 t in 2022. This is 5% more than 2021’s 929.000 t (and 885,000 t in 2020). Production of other cereals, like millet and sorghum, rose as well, though less significantly–from 304,600 t in 2020 to 317,900 t in 2022, up 4%.

Rice output grew by 3.8% over the period reviewed. In detail, Togo produced 171,800 t of paddy rice in 2022, up from 165,500 the year before. 

In the tubers category, yam production jumped 5% to a million t in 2022, and cassava’s stood at 1.258 million t, up by 4.5% YoY.

Beans and cowpeas, for their part, rose from 211,900 t in 2021 to 226.5 t in 2022, up 6.8%.

The production of the other crops grown in Togo rose from 2.29 million t in 2021 to 2.48 million t in 2022, up by 8.3%.

Agriculture contributes over 40% of Togo’s GDP, and the sector employs nearly 65% of the working population. Also, 3.6 million ha or 60% of the country’s total land area is arable land.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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