MIFA: Over CFA1 Billion Secured for Farmers for 2023-2024 Agricultural Campaign

Monday, 14 October 2024 16:23
MIFA: Over CFA1 Billion  Secured for Farmers for 2023-2024 Agricultural Campaign

(Togo First) - For the 2023-2024 agricultural season, MIFA (Mécanisme incitatif de financement agricole) has helped secure CFA1.33 billion FCFA in financing for farmers, according to government data. This initiative is part of broader reforms in the agricultural sector outlined in the Togo 2025 roadmap.

Over the period, additional support measures were introduced to improve farmers' access to resources. This includes providing 24 tractors, which can be repaid over four years in cash or kind. The Plateforme Industrielle d'Adétikopé has also facilitated access to credit for grain-based inputs, enabling the supply of 2,400 tonnes of soybean seed and 20,000 liters of biostimulants.

These efforts are part of inclusive mechanisms such as the FSRP, ProMIFA, and PRIMA, which aim to subsidize, provide loans and guarantees, and mobilize resources for farmers. Additionally, the Direction de l'entrepreneuriat et du financement agricoles (DEFA) was officially launched in May 2023 to assist agricultural producers in obtaining credit.

Support for producers also includes establishing cattle production development zones (ZAPB) to increase meat and dairy availability. Ten sites have been identified for this purpose, with two ranches already secured through land release certificates and topographical surveys. A total of 4,250 hectares have been acquired out of the planned 5,000 hectares for the 2023-2024 crop year.

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