Togo: Last stage of FOPAT to begin soon, in Kara

Saturday, 15 April 2023 04:13
Togo: Last stage of FOPAT to begin soon, in Kara

(Togo First) - Togolese farmers and government officials will meet in Kara (northern Togo) on April 17-20, 2023. The town will host the final stage of Togo’s regional fora of agricultural producers (FOPATs).

The participants will review the sector’s performances and challenges its actors face. Also, the government will expose its vision for the structural transformation of Togolese agriculture to the farmers.

Just like he did in the previous venues that hosted the event, President Faure Gnassingbe will meet face-to-face with the region’s farmers and influential figures. 

A presidential initiative, the FOPAT aims to foster discussions and experience-sharing between Togolese farmers and decision-makers to ensure inclusive management in the agricultural sector.

Esaïe Edoh

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