Togo: Government to hold general assemblies to tackle the shortfall in meat production

Wednesday, 17 March 2021 14:30
Togo: Government to hold general assemblies to tackle the shortfall in meat production

(Togo First) - The government of Togo will organize general assemblies in the husbandry sector. These assemblies will gather all actors engaged in the sector to reflect on reforms likely to boost the country’s output, and especially tackle the 45% deficit in meat products at the national level. 

Indeed, the country records a shortfall in this area despite production in sub-sectors like poultry and small ruminants having improved with the PASA. The latter also helped increase its beneficiaries’ income by 50%. 

Despite the special attention the State pays to husbandry, there is still much to be done,” said Antoine Lekpa, Minister of agriculture, livestock, and rural development, last week at the launch of regional workshops dedicated to livestock promotion. 

The projected assemblies will be the occasion to analyze the husbandry sector and recommend solutions to overcome the shortfall in meat production the country faces. 

They should ultimately lead to the elaboration of a development strategy for husbandry, which directly aligns with the government’s 5-year development plan (2020-2025).

Séna Akoda

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