The PASA and its impact on the coffee and cocoa sectors

Wednesday, 17 June 2020 15:55
The PASA and its impact on the coffee and cocoa sectors

(Togo First) - A team regrouping agents of the Technical Support and Counselling Institute (ICAT) and the Coffee-Cocoa Technical Unit (UTCC) are currently touring coffee and cocoa plantations in Lavié, Kpélé, and Danyi, in the Plateaux region. 

The team, which started its tour at the beginning of this week will assess the impact of the Agriculture Support Project (PASA) on the creation of cooperatives in charge of professional tree nurseries. The PASA, let’s highlight, is financed by the World Bank. 

So far, “we have provided farmers with more than three million rooted cuttings so that they develop new tree nurseries and regenerate old plantations,” said Batoefetou Madjoulba, director of UTCC. We have also shared nearly 400,000 cocoa pods. We have exceeded 40,000 hectares of coffee plantations (old plantations regenerated and new ones created) and more than 26,000 hectares of cocoa farms (regenerated and created), he added. 

According to Madjoulba, these initiatives have a “positive effect on national production.”

Coffee and cocoa, which are export crops, contribute about 1.2% of Togo’s gross domestic product (GDP) and are cultivated by around 32,000 farmers.

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