Togo Draws CFA2.34 billion Plan to Develop its Roots and Tuber Industry in 2024-2028

Sunday, 23 July 2023 04:41
Togo Draws CFA2.34 billion Plan to Develop its Roots and Tuber Industry in 2024-2028

(Togo First) - Togo needs CFA2.34 billion to develop its roots and tuber sectors over the next five years, going from 2024 to 2028. The investment was outlined in the country’s 2024-2028 Action Investment Plan for the Root and Tuber Crops (RTC) Sector. This plan was developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Rural Development and the Interprofessional Council of the Root and Tuber Crops Sector (CIF RTC). 

The overall goal of this plan, which was published in 2023, is to increase Togo’s roots and tuber output by 15% and achieve a 15% processing rate, by 2028. Diving deeper, the plan aims to improve RTCs’ productivity and quality, boost the value of the products, improve marketing channels, and strengthen the governance and financing mechanism of the sector.

 A three-pronged plan

The action program is divided into three axes. The first focuses on boosting productivity, and product quality; it is set to cost CFA755 million, of which CFA306.5 million should come from the State. Axis 2 focuses on enhancing and marketing RTC sector products, and it is expected to cost CFA726 million; The State should provide CFA106.25 million. The third and last axis is dedicated to strengthening the governance and financing mechanism of the sector. It will require funding of CFA865.2 million, of which 202.5 million FCFA will be allocated by the State. The private sector and technical and financial partners will need to contribute to covering the rest of the program costs.

 Modest but steady growth in production

As demand grew in recent years, Togo’s tuber output rose as well. For the 2022-2023 agricultural campaign, figures show a 2% increase YoY–from 2.19 million tons to 2.23 million tons. Specifically, cassava production rose from 1.20 million tons to 1.22 million tons, yam production from about 960,000 tons to about 984,000 tons, and taro and sweet potato also saw a slight increase.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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