Togo to keep fertilizer subsidy this year, despite Ukraine crisis

Thursday, 24 March 2022 16:10
Togo to keep fertilizer subsidy this year, despite Ukraine crisis

(Togo First) - In Togo, the Ministry of Agriculture announced on March 24, 2022, that fertilizers would be subsidized during the 2022-2023 agricultural season. This is despite the global surge in input costs caused by the war in Ukraine.

“The government, aware of the issues and objectives it aims to achieve through its roadmap 2020-2025, particularly concerning improving yields and agricultural productivity, will take as far as possible, the necessary steps to mitigate the effects of this increase in prices to producers,” a note on the ministry’s website reads

To “cover all the needs of producers,” the Togolese authorities announced that they have ordered, “a considerable quantity” of fertilizer which is already being distributed in all regions of the country.

Committed to subsidizing fertilizer, Lomé added that it will tackle the speculative rush on the product and take measures to back law enforcement and security forces to stem the outflow of stocks at Togolese borders.

It should be noted that during the last two seasons, a 50 kg bag of fertilizer was sold at 12,500 CFA francs, thanks to the state subsidy.

Esaïe Edoh

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