Enhanced Integrated Framework (WTO) : $2.4 million spent to revive soybean sector in Togo

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:16
Enhanced Integrated Framework (WTO) : $2.4 million spent to revive soybean sector in Togo

(Togo First) - Togo was able to restart its soybean sector with the World Trade Organization’s enhanced integrated framework (EIF). Truly, with PNUD’s support, this program dedicated to least developed economies helped spend more than $2.4 million to boost productive and commercial capacities of the sector.

According to Togo’s trade minister, Bernadette Legzim-Balouki, results are more than encouraging. Indeed, the EIF increased Togo’s soybean output from 24,000 tons to 36,000 between 2015 and 2017, and should help the volume rise further, to 100,000 tons per year, in the years coming. Also, soybean exports doubled over the previously mentioned period, from 10,000 MT to 21,000 MT.

With 150 small and medium enterprises starting to export the beans, corresponding revenues reached nearly two billion CFA while associated tax income soared to 21 million CFA, against 4.2 million only before EIF’s implementation. Last, more than 14,000 soybean farmers were trained while others benefited from financial support.

The programme which ends this year focuses on two types of projects: the first is related to institutional enhancement and the second to enhancing productive and commercial capacities, in the soybean sector.

As a result, talks were already initiated to get technical and financial partners for a new plan that should extend to 2022.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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