Togo: ECOWAS-backed Rice Project, RICOWAS, Begins

Thursday, 25 July 2024 14:55
Togo: ECOWAS-backed Rice Project, RICOWAS, Begins

(Togo First) - The RICOWAS, a sub-regional rice project, was launched in Togo earlier this week. In Togo, the project is led by the Institute for Technical Supporting (ICAT). It is backed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The RICOWAS aims to transform rice farming in West Africa by integrating advanced and sustainable agricultural techniques. Madjoulba Batocfetou, General Manager of ICAT, noted that Togo's rice trade balance is currently in deficit, with the country importing large quantities of rice due to rising consumption. "This initiative aims to reduce this trade deficit and help Togo move closer to self-sufficiency in rice," he said.

The RICOWAS builds on the Rice Offensive initiative launched in 2013 and promotes cultivation methods such as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), sustainable soil management, optimal water use, and the use of organic fertilizers to enhance soil health and crop productivity.

The program will benefit 13 countries over four years. Each of the countries will receive about $200,000 for implementing it. 

West Africa currently faces economic challenges, and improving local rice production could be a major step toward greater food security.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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