Spurred by PNIASA and PASA, poultry production soars significantly in 2011-2017

Monday, 26 February 2018 02:54
Spurred by PNIASA and PASA, poultry production soars significantly in 2011-2017

(Togo First) - In Togo, as agriculture fares well, poultry is not left out it appears. Indeed, according to data released by Dr. Daniel Batawui, Head of Husbandry, poultry production recorded a major increase, from 8 million chickens, in 2011, to 25 million in 2017, thus tripling over the period.

The surge results from various efforts made in the sector, knowingly under the National Programme for Agricultural Investment and Food Security (PNIASA) and the Agricultural Sector Support Programme (PASA) implemented in 2012-2015.

In details, PNIASA impacted 13,000 actors in the poultry sector and PASA enabled vaccination of 90% of poultry (8 million in three campaigns) over the period reviewed, through the mobilization of 2,900 rural vaccinators and 25 private veterinarians.

The sector expects the recent growth to be sustained and authorities intend to make its actors into true professionals.

PNIASA, it should be highlighted, is expected to capture an investment of CFA1,250 billion in 2017-2026.

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