Fishery: Togo seeks CFA20 billion to develop the sector

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 05:02
Fishery: Togo seeks CFA20 billion to develop the sector

(Togo First) - Togo wants to boost raise its fishing output by 25% by 2028. The country just launched a new action plan to this end. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the strategy specifically aims to improve the sector's production, processing, and sales conditions. Lomé seeks CFA20.04 billion to execute the strategy. 

A five-axis plan 

The new strategy branches into five axes. The first axis involves launching training programs for the sector’s actors. The second focuses on supporting research and the sector’s interprofessional council (CIFP). 

Next, the plan will focus on the valorization of fishing products. The following axis will focus on boosting governance in the sector through various measures. Then the fifth and last will bolster concerned stakeholders’ institutional and organizational capacities.

The plan’s targets include improving output, improving stakeholders’ technical and structural capacities, creating a business-conducive environment, and improving the sector’s governance and economic viability. 

A call to partners

Togo’s technical and financial partners should finance most of the strategy. According to forecasts, they should provide CFA18.69 billion out of the needed CFA20.04 billion. The government should provide CFA1.27 billion and the CIFP the remaining CFA67.56 million. 

It is worth noting that the national output does not meet the country’s needs at the moment. In 2022, these needs stood at 105,235 tons, against 86,905 tons in 2012. Meanwhile, the national output stood at 24,229 tons in 2023.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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