Togo: PAEIJ-SP attracts about CFA1 billion during 2017-18 season

Tuesday, 27 March 2018 16:44
Togo: PAEIJ-SP attracts about CFA1 billion during 2017-18 season

(Togo First) - In Togo, the Programme for Job Promotion and Youth Insertion in Profitable Sectors (PAEIJ-SP) aims to create favorable conditions for a more inclusive economic growth by boosting youth employment and promoting entrepreneurship in the maize, cassava, soy and small ruminants sectors.

To achieve its objectives, “PAEIJ-SP bases its strategy on agricultural value chains and developing agro-industrial clusters in order to consolidate the country’s industrial base, the programme’s coordinator, Yves Agbo, revealed to Togo First”.

During the 2017-18 season, from August 2017 to February 2018, the programme attracted CFA1 billion of funds, from its main partners and actors.

These, in detail, were allocated to structuring firms (CFA820,342,867), single entrepreneurs and farmers’ groups (CFA118,036,052).

Regarding access to the funding, two desks were established. One managed by a financial operator  where loans  ranging between 20 and 150 million CFA. Here, structuring businesses (SMEs and SMIs) will be eligible for the loans given that they submit a viable business plan showing that the funds will be used to boost one of the value chains covered by the programme.

The other desk will be handled by microfinance institutions. Here, loans  ranging between CFA300,000 and CFA20 million  will be provided, as mentioned earlier, to single entrepreneurs and groups of producers.

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