Togo: Food Resilience Program Benefits Over 500,000 People Within Two Years

Tuesday, 28 January 2025 15:11
Togo: Food Resilience Program Benefits Over 500,000 People Within Two Years

(Togo First) - Two years into launching, the West African Food System Resilience Program (FSRP-Togo) has benefited over 500,000 people (509,438 by the end of December 2024). That is 85% of the program’s end target. 

Women made up 34% of last year’s beneficiaries. The figures were shared in Lomé during a mid-term review of the program held from January 20 to 24. During the session, participants assessed the program’s achievements, challenges, and adjusted strategies for greater impact.

Backed by the World Bank, the FSRP-Togo has a budget of CFA50 billion. It focuses on three main areas: climate-smart agriculture, strengthening value chains and regional trade, and managing agricultural risks. The program aims to improve agricultural productivity while enhancing resilience against climate and economic challenges. It provides training, equipment, and fertilizer donations to farmers across Togo.

For 2025, the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) aims to add 130,000 new beneficiaries to meet or exceed the final target.

This article was initially published in French by Ayi Renaud Dossavi

Edited in English by Ola Schad Akinocho


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