Cotton: WAEMU to soon have a regional consultation framework?

Thursday, 28 March 2019 14:24
Cotton: WAEMU to soon have a regional consultation framework?

(Togo First) - In the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), actors of the cotton sector wish to put in place a regional consultation framework. This was revealed during an exchange workshop held in Ouagadougou regarding the sector’s structuring in the region.

According to Zourata Lompo-Ouedraogo, cabinet director of Jonas Gbian, head of agriculture, water resources and environment of the WAEMU commission, putting this framework in place is necessary. “Cotton is the main source of revenue for more than 15% of households in the region and it employs almost 70% of its active population in rural areas,” she said.

“It also creates many direct and indirect jobs across all economic sectors and helps fight poverty while contributing to the development of other agricultural sectors,” Lompo-Ouedraogo added.

However, she then emphasized, “boosting cotton output and making the sector more competitive requires that it is better structured, in both the member States and in the region as a whole.”

The above-mentioned workshop was organized to achieve this goal, among others. It began March 27 and will end March 29.

Séna Akoda

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