Togo: BOAD invests CFA10 billion in Kara’s agropole

Thursday, 28 June 2018 19:33
Togo: BOAD invests CFA10 billion in Kara’s agropole

(Togo First) - The board of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) approved on June 27 a CFA10 billion financing for Kara’s agropole, a statement released on the bank’s website indicates.

The money will be used to build roads, drill boreholes, electrify 14 villages, etc.

Kara’s agropole which will require more than CFA63 billion of investments is the first of nine projects that Togo’s government plans to develop under the agropoles programme in Togo. The latter aims to boost animal and crop production, improve agricultural infrastructures and market accessibility, and also support processing segment.

Agropole development aligns with the second strategic axis of the national development plan which aims at developing agricultural processing, manufacturing and extractive industry hubs.

In the long run, the plan should help improve agricultural trade balance by 25%, help tackle food insecurity and reduce poverty rate in rural areas to 27%, by 2026.

In addition to BOAD’s financing, Togo has already secured from the African Development Bank (AfDB) a CFA15 billion commitment for this first agropole.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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