Togo to protect its farmers against risks related to drought and floods, under the umbrella of African Risk Capacity

Tuesday, 29 May 2018 13:42
Togo to protect its farmers against risks related to drought and floods, under the umbrella of African Risk Capacity

(Togo First) - As member of the African Risk Capacity-ARC, Togo was selected to host the pilot phase of a project that aims to insure risks related to flooding. This aligns with the government’s goal to make agriculture a true economic driver.

ARC will, in the framework of the project, not only identify risks related to flooding and drought, but also increase the country’s capacities in terms of disaster management.

This should attract more investments into agricultural sector by boosting investors’ confidence. Truly, these investors presently worry about risks of non-reimbursement which banks estimate to be too high, looking at production means and a lack of guarantees or insurances.

Regarding this, government fund TIRSAL, which is based on a risk-sharing principle, should be a starting point to answer this concern.

Séna Akoda

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