Togo to launch annual reforestation campaign on June 1

Monday, 30 May 2022 13:11
Togo to launch annual reforestation campaign on June 1

(Togo First) - In Togo, the second reforestation campaign will start on June 1, which coincides with the 46th edition of National Tree Day. The announcement was made on May 27, 2022, by Ministers Foli-Bazi Katari and Akodah Ayewouadan, respectively in charge of the environment and communication (and government spokesman), at a press conference.

This year, Togo aims to plant 21 million trees, against around 3 million trees planted last year, according to Katari. This is in line with the objective of planting 1 billion trees by 2030, an average of 100 million per year.

"This year, because we started early, we were able to mobilize 133,000 hectares of land, which we just need to plant 100 million trees," said the minister.

The government plans to finance reforestation initiatives, led by municipalities or private actors, to achieve its goal. 

On June 1, 2022, one million seedlings are scheduled to be planted.

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