
Tuesday 3 May, 2022
In Togo, the 50-kg fertilizer bag (151515 NPK; 46% N Urea) will be sold at CFA18,000 during the upcoming agricultural…

Friday 29 April, 2022
By the end of the year, Togo will have its very own agricultural processing agency, towards accelerating the sector’s development.…

Tuesday 26 April, 2022
The Togo Aquaculture Development Project (PDAT) is beginning to show "satisfactory" results on Lake Nangbeto. The statement was made by…

Tuesday 26 April, 2022
Togo’s Food Security Agency (ANSAT) launched, on April 25, the second phase of its nationwide campaign to purchase rice from…

Wednesday 20 April, 2022
Togo will be the second country to house Thione Niang’s agriculture and leadership campus, after Senegal, his home country. Niang,…

Tuesday 12 April, 2022
In Togo, the second phase of the Support Project for Youth Employability and Integration in Growth Sectors (PAEIJ-SP) should begin…

Monday 11 April, 2022
Over the past month, global food commodity prices reached their highest level ever and the pace has been maintained in…

Thursday 24 March, 2022
In Togo, the Ministry of Agriculture announced on March 24, 2022, that fertilizers would be subsidized during the 2022-2023 agricultural…

Monday 21 March, 2022
Togo's National Food Security Agency (ANSAT) launched last weekend a grain purchase operation from producers in various localities. The purchase,…

Wednesday 16 March, 2022
The Togolese ministry of agriculture received 2,963 tons of white rice from Japan last weekend. Valued at 1.5 billion FCFA,…

Tuesday 1 March, 2022
Russia was Togo’s largest wheat and meslin supplier in 2020. According to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO), based…

Wednesday 23 February, 2022
Key players of the cashew sector met last weekend in Sokodé (340 km north of Lomé) to discuss the regulation…

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