
Thursday 28 October, 2021
Most of the concentrated tomato imported into Togo contains too much lead and could harm consumers, according to the Togolese…

Monday 25 October, 2021
Togo will get $10 million, in the form of loans, from the OPEC Fund for International Development to finance its agricultural…

Friday 22 October, 2021
Fish importers whose sanitary certifications expired must renew them by November 20, 2021, latest. The warning comes from a statement…

Wednesday 20 October, 2021
Two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) tons of soybean seeds will be put up for sale in the 2021-2022 campaign.…

Tuesday 19 October, 2021
A fruit and vegetable processing unit, the first in Togo, was inaugurated in Tsévié last Thursday. The facility, which will…

Tuesday 12 October, 2021
Togo’s minister of trade, industry, and local consumption, Kodjo Adédzé, was at the Adetikope Industrial Platform (PIA) last week. He…

Thursday 7 October, 2021
The Mono Basin Authority (ABM), an entity created by Benin and Togo to ensure the rational management of the Mono…

Wednesday 8 September, 2021
The Togolese representation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is looking for local consultants for its forest and…

Friday 27 August, 2021
Nouvelle société cotonnière du Togo (NSCT) started last Wednesday a 3-day workshop for its new field agents. This is to…

Tuesday 17 August, 2021
A husbandry co-op training school (IFAD) will open in Barkoissi, by the end of October. In this framework, said the…

Wednesday 21 July, 2021
Lomé’s fishing port garnered over 1,324 tons of fish between January and May 2021. The figure, which is up 36%…

Thursday 15 July, 2021
From August 19 to 21, 2021, Lomé will host the first edition of the Togo Food Safety Week. This was…

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