
Thursday 26 September, 2019
Togolese authorities are elaborating a project to make coastal communities more resilient to climate change. Financing for the project, $8.9 million,…

Tuesday 24 September, 2019
The African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), in partnership with the Togolese government, launched last yesterday the "Project for Reinforcement and Promotion…

Monday 23 September, 2019
Twelve local organizations of forest and farm producers will benefit from a financial agreement recently signed by the FAO and…

Friday 20 September, 2019
Last Wednesday, actors of Togo’s agricultural sector discussed in Lomé the implementation in Togo of the Agroecological Transition Support Project…

Monday 16 September, 2019
In Agoè Cacaveli, Lomé, works are ongoing to build a modern quality control laboratory just beside the Togolese Institute for…

Wednesday 11 September, 2019
Togo intends, according to a document from the UN Industrial Development Organization, to establish a traceability system in the pineapple,…

Friday 6 September, 2019
Last year, Togo made XOF1.5 billion exporting pineapples. This is 50% more than in 2017, the Central Bank of West…

Monday 2 September, 2019
Togo produced during the 2018-2019 agricultural season 886,630 metric tons of maize, making it the country’s first food crop. According…

Friday 30 August, 2019
Maize, Rice and Cotton. These are the three agricultural sectors that are most insurable in Togo. This was disclosed by…

Thursday 29 August, 2019
Recently, 1,500kg of beeswax, produced by local beekeeping cooperatives, was sold to Koster Keunen West Africa (KKWA). The transaction, worth…

Monday 26 August, 2019
After jointly building the Abatchang agricultural modern farm (in the central region of Togo), Togo and Egypt want to further…

Monday 26 August, 2019
In Togo, the soybeans sector employed nearly 300,000 people, directly and indirectly, in 2018 according to the Office of Agricultural…

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