
Tuesday 24 December, 2019
BB Lomé,  all Producers Organisations and Service Businesses’ Associations (ESOPs), and the Incentive Mechanism for Agricultural Financing (MIFA SA) signed…

Thursday 12 December, 2019
Pro-Mangues Vo, a cooperative located in the maritime region, sold 30 tons of mangoes to the Ghanaian firm HPWfresh &…

Thursday 12 December, 2019
Orabank recently invested XOF106 million in the installation of a transformation unit of paddy rice into white rice. The facility…

Wednesday 11 December, 2019
A training workshop was started on Monday in Kara, in line with the launch of an agricultural hub in the…

Monday 2 December, 2019
Lomé is hosting this week, the 55th session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC).  The council will be discussing…

Monday 25 November, 2019
Following a tender, Entreprise de Moderne de Technologie (EMT) has been hired to construct boreholes in Kara's agropole area. Ari…

Monday 25 November, 2019
The fish port of Lomé which was under rehabilitation restarted operations last Thursday. Located in Gbétsogbé (east of Lomé), rehabilitation…

Friday 22 November, 2019
In 2018, Togo was the largest West African exporter of organic agricultural products to Europe. According to a report disclosing…

Wednesday 20 November, 2019
Togo exported 388 tons of cashew to the European Union over the past three quarters. This is a notable improvement…

Wednesday 20 November, 2019
Four to six integrated agricultural markets should soon be established at the Togo-Benin border. An agreement was signed in this…

Tuesday 12 November, 2019
In partnership with the Agricultural Financing Incentive Mechanism (MIFA), KFB Group now provides support to entrepreneurs who wish to acquire…

Monday 11 November, 2019
Today, Victoire Sidemeho Tomegah-Dogbe, minister of youth, has begun a two-day tour to review progress made relative to the Project…

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