Ecobank Togo Unveils Enhanced Ellever Program for Women Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, 12 March 2025 15:37
Ecobank Togo Unveils Enhanced Ellever Program for Women Entrepreneurs

(Togo First) - On International Women's Rights Day, March 8, 2025, Ecobank Togo launched an upgraded version of its Ellever program, designed to boost financial inclusion and empower women-led businesses. The initiative targets female entrepreneurs, leaders, and salaried women, and focuses on young entrepreneurs and companies with major female ownership or leadership.

Togo's Minister of Trade, Rose Kayi Mivedor, praised the move, citing a World Bank study that shows women-run micro-businesses in Togo outperform those led by men. She highlighted government efforts like Projet d’Appui à l’Inclusion Financière des Femmes Vulnérables (PAIFFV) to enhance financial inclusion for vulnerable women.

Eusèbe Afoutou, Acting Managing Director of Ecobank Togo, emphasized that the program tackles key challenges such as access to finance and gender stereotypes. Ecobank has previously disbursed CFA2 billion to the Association des Revendeuses de Pagne du Togo, underscoring its commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi


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