ANPGF to provide financial support to Togolese startups

Thursday, 14 December 2017 14:48
ANPGF to provide financial support to Togolese startups

(Togo First) - From now on, Togolese startups will be able to receive loans from the national agency for the promotion and guarantee of funding for SMEs and SMIs (ANPGF).

The state-agency whose stones were laid in 2008 by the government wishes to play a catalytic role in the development of SMEs and SMIs, solving the issues that they often face.

 “Our vision is to regroup all banks around our agency so as to offer full support to SMEs and start-ups”, said Naka de Souza, managing director ANPGF.

In Togo, if startups fail to take off, it is mainly due to the lack of financing. Banks’ distrust regarding these businesses hampers Togo’s sustainable development. This despite the fact that they are a key component in the race towards full employment and a major vector for innovation-based inclusive growth.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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