Togo: Bank of Africa Seals CFA1 billion Financing Deal with Local Businesswomen Federation

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 16:00
Togo: Bank of Africa Seals CFA1 billion Financing Deal with Local Businesswomen Federation

(Togo First) - Bank Of Africa of Togo (BOA-Togo sealed, last week, a major financing deal with the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs and Businesswomen of Togo (FEFA-Togo). Under the deal, signed on May 17, the lender will back the women’s activities with CFA1 billion over 12 months.

The document was signed in Lomé, by Youssef Ibrahimi, CEO of BOA-Togo, and Candide Bamezon-Leguede, president of FEFA-Togo.

"This partnership is the beginning of a significant collaboration between two major players in the Togolese economy. By joining forces, we aim to stimulate Togo's economic and social development," Ibrahimi said.

For the FEFA’s boss, the partnership is an opportunity to offer flexible financing tailored to the specific needs of businesswomen in the country. "This initiative is a first in the region and aims to create real and sustainable opportunities for women," she noted.

The financing program revolves around three strategic axes. First, pre-financing support to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles often encountered by entrepreneurs. Then, assistance in assembling documents. Finally, post-financing support to ensure that funds are used effectively to maximize impact on the ground. The program also includes entrepreneurship training, covering financial education and business management, enhanced by coaching and peer mentoring.

"Together, we can break barriers, eliminate inequalities, and create a world where all women have the opportunity to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams," Bamezon-Leguede stressed.

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