Tourism: Kamina site to soon be rehabilitated

Thursday, 03 December 2020 13:09
Tourism: Kamina site to soon be rehabilitated

(Togo First) - A feasibility study is underway to rehabilitate the Kamina site (20km from Atakpamé), a vestige of colonial history and tourist heritage. The study will define the financing mechanisms necessary for rehabilitation. 

This project is one of many similar projects initiated by the country in recent years to valorize its cultural and touristic heritage. All these projects fall under the second axis of Togo’s 2020-2025 development roadmap. 

Progress made on the rehabilitation project was evaluated by the minister of tourism, Kossi Lamadokou, who toured the Plateaux region where the Kamina site and the Roc Hotel (in Atakpamé) are located. 

Kamina was a former German military base, housing a powerful transcontinental radio station, and a wireless telegraphy transmitter center with direct links to Berlin, the Namibian colony, and the German fleet in the Atlantic. The site was dynamited by the army before its surrender in August 1914, during one of the first confrontations of World War I.

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