Togo: UNESCO launches training program for local artists

Friday, 15 December 2023 16:28
Togo: UNESCO launches training program for local artists

(Togo First) - UNESCO launched a four-month training program for Togolese artists. Launched on Dec. 12 in Lomé, the program will cover all five regions of the country. It aims to help the artists better appropriate their rights and earn from their work. 

"On the ground, a two-day training course will be delivered in all regions of Togo. This training will be provided by experienced trainers and will be offered in French and national languages. After the training, the 117 participants will return to their respective communes to raise awareness among their fellow artists," explained Alizim Karka, representing the association Culture et Développement (Cult-Dev), responsible for overseeing the program.

Cult-Dev is the same organization picked by the Togolese Ministry of Culture and Tourism to implement another UNESCO-backed project–a project for the "Identification, capacity building, safeguarding, and promotion of Togo's traditional dances as a vector for sustainable cultural development".

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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