BOAD and Togo team up to boost sports in schools and universities

Friday, 25 March 2022 16:46
BOAD and Togo team up to boost sports in schools and universities

(Togo First) - The West African Development Bank (BOAD) and the Togolese Ministry of Sports and Leisure inked on March 24, 2022, a partnership framework agreement, through which both parties commit to promoting sports in schools and universities.

The convention, signed by Lidi Bessi-Kama, Minister of Sports, and Serge Ekué, President of BOAD, according to the Togolese official, aligns with his ministry’s ambition to foster the emergence of talent, as well as to channel the youth.

Additionally, Bessi-Kama praised the BOAD for believing "in the magic of sports and its ability to mobilize, unite and educate the youth to divert it from the scourges of terrorism, banditry, and dropping out, which undermine societies.”

For his part, Serge Ekué said the agreement was signed in line with BOAD's regional initiatives on the issue of youth.

Esaïe Edoh

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