(Togo First) - In 2022, Togo had a population of 8.095 million, according to the fifth population census presented at Hotel 2 Février, Lomé, yesterday. The census found that 51.3% (4.15 million) of the population were women and 48.7% men (3.94 million).
The census was conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), from October 23 to November 16, 2022, with the support of partners such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)-Togo's lead partner- and the World Bank.
The results were officially presented in the presence of partners and representatives of stakeholders during a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Territorial Administration.
A mostly rural population
The figures presented show that Togo has a predominantly rural population, with 5.820 million people living in rural areas, compared to 3.473 million in urban areas.
The Greater Lomé region, which includes the prefectures of Golfe and Agoè-Nyivé, naturally has the largest urban population with 2.188 million people. The maritime region is the second most populated region with 1.346 million inhabitants.
The population is expected to double in 31 years
AT 2.7%, the rate of natural increase is higher in the Greater Lomé region compared with 2.4% for the Maritime region, and 2.3% for the country as a whole. At this rate, the population should double in 31 years.
At the census presentation ceremony, UNFPA said it was particularly "satisfied" because the findings are likely to guide and inform public policies and investments in the country, particularly in the areas of health, education, and employment.
Ayi Renaud Dossavi