Togo Aims for More Women in Public Finance Auditing

Economic governance
Thursday, 05 September 2024 17:12
Togo Aims for More Women in Public Finance Auditing

(Togo First) - Togo's Court of Auditors is pushing for greater female representation in public finance audit bodies, to achieve 30% women among financial magistrates and inspectors by 2025.

The Court highlighted significant gender imbalances in these institutions. Currently, only one out of 20 magistrates at the Court of Auditors is a woman. At the Inspectorate General of the Treasury (IGT), all five officers are men, while at the Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF), just two of the ten officers are women. The General State Inspectorate (GSI) is the only body with gender parity, having five women out of ten inspectors.

Based on these findings and the Court's new organic law, the institution emphasizes the need to strengthen the female workforce in key agencies like the IGT and IGF. The aim is to promote more gender-sensitive management of public finances.

Tchakéi Essowavana, president of the Court of Auditors' 3rd chamber, stressed the importance of having competent women and men in these audit bodies. This initiative was launched at an August 30, 2024 symposium in Lomé, organized in collaboration with the German development agency GIZ.

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