Togo: Doufelgou 1 Launches Census Targeting Non-Tax Revenues Taxpayers

Economic governance
Thursday, 06 March 2025 10:50
Togo: Doufelgou 1 Launches Census Targeting Non-Tax Revenues Taxpayers

(Togo First) - On March 3, Doufelgou 1 kicked off a general census of taxpayers of non-tax revenues. The campaign aims to bolster the municipality’s financial capacities.

The census is backed by the ProDeG IV program, implemented by GIZ. It will effectively equip the municipality with an up-to-date geographic database of taxpayers.

The operation runs from March 4-11, 2025. Shopkeepers, artisans, service providers, and owners of bars, hotels, and restaurants are targeted. The goal is to identify new revenue streams, improve monitoring of taxpayers, optimize local tax collection, and increase budget transparency.

The municipality has recruited and trained 20 agents to carry out the census. According to Mayor Tchemi Tchambi Tchapkro,  the ongoing campaign will improve financial management and ensure better funding for public services.

Doufelgou 1 is located in the Kara region, northeastern Togo. Its capital district is Niamtougou.

This article was initially published in French by Ayi Renaud Dossavi

Edited in English by Ola Schad Akinocho

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