Togo's Minister of Trade Seeks Commonwealth's Financial Support for Development Projects

Economic governance
Wednesday, 07 June 2023 17:57
Togo's Minister of Trade Seeks Commonwealth's Financial Support for Development Projects

(Togo First) - The Togolese minister of trade Kodjo Adedze was in London on June 5 and 6 to attend the Commonwealth 2023 Trade Ministers Meeting held in the British capital.

During the meeting, Adedze asked the Commonwealth States to help finance the development projects and programs initiated by the Togolese government under its Togo 2023 roadmap. 

"We want to change paradigms, pushing towards the valorization and local transformation of our raw materials for more added value while limiting external shocks as much as possible...We want to benefit from all Commonwealth programs that foster the economic and commercial development of Member States," declared the Togolese Minister. 

He then emphasized Togo's willingness to "contribute its modest contribution to the noble ambition of the organization", leveraging its potentialities, knowingly raw materials, and human capital, especially women and the youth.

Togo officially joined the Commonwealth on June 25, 2022, after the Kigali Summit which was held in the same month. The move, according to Lomé, translates the country's ambition to build new partnerships and extend cooperation to more countries in several areas, including diplomatic, economic, commercial, educational, and cultural areas, among others.

Esaïe Edoh

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