The Pan-African Federation of Accountants holds its third conference in Lomé

Economic governance
Wednesday, 09 February 2022 20:11
The Pan-African Federation of Accountants holds its third conference in Lomé

(Togo First) - Lomé hosted on Feb, 8, the 3rd Conference of the Pan-African Federation of Accountants (PAFA). This year, the event focused on public finance management in French-speaking African countries and gathered about thirty chartered accountants. The theme of the conference was: "Public Finance Management Reforms, the Agenda of Francophone Countries."

Participants present -public accountants and representatives of Courts of Accounts from PAFA member countries - assessed and discussed key reforms in public financial management as well as the long-term implications of government responses to the Covid-19. According to the Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Economy, Kossi Tofio, this was necessary as it helps to find ways "to adapt actions to the new global data through reforms that match the challenges imposed"  by the health crisis that have "disrupted all the habits and budgetary expectations of States."

The first and second editions of the PAFA took place in 2015 and 2016 and were held in Dakar and Antananarivo, respectively. They focused on finding ways to boost the transparency and efficiency of public bodies that handle governments’ finances.

 Esaïe Edoh

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