Togo Plans New "Tourist Site" Label to Boost Tourism

Economic governance
Wednesday, 09 October 2024 08:49
Togo Plans New "Tourist Site" Label to Boost Tourism

(Togo First) - The Togolese government plans to create a "Togo Site Touristique" label to enhance the country's tourist sites and set quality standards in the tourism sector. This initiative is part of the government's broader reforms outlined in the Togo 2025 roadmap.

The new label will distinguish Togolese tourist attractions, making them more appealing to local and international visitors. According to the "Rapport de mise en œuvre des réformes au premier semestre 2024," published by the Secrétariat Permanent pour le suivi des Politiques de Réformes et des Programmes Financiers, the criteria for this labeling have already been established, and a committee involving various national quality institutions is being formed.

The initiative will also include a comparative analysis of tourism labels from other African and developed countries to align Togo with international best practices. Additionally, plans are underway to digitalize the classification process for tourist accommodations and approval applications. "This activity will make it possible to increase the number of approved and classified tourism operators," the report states.

Furthermore, a new law will be introduced to better organize the tourism sector, addressing recent developments while harmonizing development and promotional strategies. A significant change will involve transferring management of the tourism sector from the Ministry of Culture to a newly established "high-commissariat."

Ayi Renaud Dossavi 

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