CNSS trains more than 100 companies on professional risks and how to manage them

Economic governance
Wednesday, 10 March 2021 11:54
CNSS trains more than 100 companies on professional risks and how to manage them

(Togo First) - The National Social Security Fund (CNSS) launched last Monday a 5-week workshop to boost businesses’ capacities relative to the management of professional risks. 

According to a source close to the institution, the training sessions are taking place live and online. Organized in partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO), they target security, environment and hygiene staff, business physicians, and people in charge of human resources. 

The workshops were initiated following a survey carried out by the CNSS, with ILO’s support. The study covered 104 public, para-public, private and informal businesses. It aims at “enabling these actors to master laws regulating the implementation of security and health measures at work, plan and monitor their implementation, and know the composition and missions of a professional security and health committee.”  

Moreover, the trained staff will be able to “fully understand and identify risk factors and assess risks, knowingly categorizing risks and prevention measures.”

Moreover, each company taking part in the program should be, at its end, able to elaborate a unique risk assessment document covering risks related to Covid-19. 

Séna Akoda

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