Togo: The Minister of Investment Promotion meets with a delegation from China International Capital Corporation

Economic governance
Tuesday, 10 October 2023 18:31
Togo: The Minister of Investment Promotion meets with a delegation from China International Capital Corporation

(Togo First) - Manuella Santos, the new Togolese minister of investment promotion, met with a delegation from the China International Capital Corporation Limited, on October 9. The delegation was led by one of the bank’s higher-ups, Yan Changsheng, and China’s ambassador to Togo, Chao Weidong.

The meeting, according to Santos, was aimed at bolstering economic cooperation between China and Togo and fostering investments and “win-win” partnerships.

The move supports Lomé’s efforts to secure more foreign investments, stimulate economic growth, and develop its private sector. 

Founded in 1995, as a joint venture, the China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC) is one of the most powerful multinationals, in China and the world. It is active in investment banking, securities, and investment management services for companies, institutions, and individuals. It had over 96 billion in assets under management at the end of 2022.

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