Top 100 Most Inspiring French-Speaking Black Women of the Century: 10 Togolese featured

Economic governance
Friday, 12 January 2024 17:11
Top 100 Most Inspiring French-Speaking Black Women of the Century: 10 Togolese featured

(Togo First) - Ten (10) of the hundred (100) most inspiring French-speaking black women of the 21st century are Togolese. The ranking was published on January 9, 2024, by Femmes Inspirantes, a media platform.

In the Politicians category, the Togolese women featured include Prime Minister Victoire Tomegah-Dogbe, the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Sandra Ablamba Johnson, the Ministers of Trade and Grassroots Development, Rose Mivedor and Myriam Dossou-d'Almeida, respectively, and MP Abira Bonfoh.

In the Executives and business leaders category, Aissatou Diallo and Estelle Komlan, respectively Director of Communications and Marketing at Togocom and Director of the Trading Room at Groupe Orabank, stood out.

Clarisse Agbégnénou, a Franco-Togolese judoka, won in the Pilots/Sports category. Kayi Dogbé, director of KD Groupe, and Delali Damessi, columnist on Canal Plus Afrique's "Le chœur des Femmes" program, were respectively ranked in the Women Entrepreneurs and Women in Arts and Media categories.

According to Jessica Makosso, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Femmes Inspirantes, the ranking "encourages those who dare, boosts those who doubt, and supports those who dive". It highlights female leadership, specifically women who stand out through their stories.

Esaïe Edoh

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