Togo Scores CFA129 Billion Budget Surplus amid COVID-19

Economic governance
Wednesday, 12 March 2025 10:55
Togo Scores CFA129 Billion Budget Surplus amid COVID-19

(Togo First) - On March 7, 2025, Togo's National Assembly approved the budget settlement laws for the 2020 and 2021 financial years. This move is crucial for ensuring transparency and good governance in public finances. It also provides an opportunity to review the implementation of the budget during these two years.

The parliamentary notes reveal that in 2020, the Treasury collected CFA1,612.6 billion. That was 96.2% of the sum expected that year–CFA1,676.8 billion. Meanwhile, committed expenditure was CFA1,509.9 billion, resulting in a surplus of CFA102.8 billion for that year. This surplus was largely due to actual spending being lower than projected.

In 2021, revenue increased to CFA1,641.2 billion, with a budget implementation rate of 96.4%. Expenses totaled CFA1,613.9 billion, against CFA1,702.9 billion anticipated, reflecting a surplus of CFA27.3 billion.

Over these two years, Togo recorded a consolidated surplus of CFA129 billion. According to Pacôme Adjourouvi, Minister for Human Rights and Citizenship Training, these results reflect rigorous public finance management and the government's commitment to enhancing budget transparency.

These years coincided with the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, marked by economic contraction and major budgetary efforts to address the pandemic's economic and social impacts both nationally and internationally.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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