HAUQE Cracks Down on Measurement Fraud in Togo

Economic governance
Thursday, 13 March 2025 16:28
HAUQE Cracks Down on Measurement Fraud in Togo

(Togo First) - The High Authority for Quality and the Environment (HAUQE) in Togo, through its technical agency, the Togolese Metrology Agency (ATOMET), conducted surprise inspections at service stations in Greater Lomé on March 11, 2025. Inspectors checked fuel dispensing meters after rumors of fraud involving inaccurate measurements.

Inspectors randomly selected 11 stations with input from the Togolese Consumers' Association (ATC). Their goal was to ensure compliance with fuel measurement standards.

Bébéi Bataba, ATOMET’s director general, commented: “These checks protect consumers and ensure fair transactions. Every liter paid for must match the quantity delivered. We will continue inspections to maintain transparency.”

Two stations were found non-compliant during the checks. ATOMET sealed their equipment to prevent misuse. Laré Botre, HAUQE’s president, explained, “Station owners will face sanctions under current regulations. To resume operations, they must fix the equipment with their technicians under our supervision. ATOMET will recheck compliance before allowing operations to continue.”

The inspections will expand to other towns across Togo.

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