ECOWAS: EBID Unveils 2024 West African Development Report

Economic governance
Thursday, 18 July 2024 16:47
ECOWAS: EBID Unveils 2024 West African Development Report

(Togo First) - The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) released its 2024 West African Development Outlook (WADO) report today. The report was presented in a webinar hosted from 10:00 to 11:00 GMT.

The central theme of this year's report is "Building resilience to recurrent shocks". The report is expected to examine the development challenges and opportunities facing countries in the West African region.

The 2024 edition will review the challenges the sub-region has faced in recent months and years. This includes external factors like rising financing costs, fluctuating oil prices, economic sanctions, and energy shortages. It may also address internal political challenges for ECOWAS, such as the desire for some countries to split away.

Strengthening member states' ability to cope with economic and climate shocks is a key focus. 

Since its creation, EBID has provided $4.17 billion (CFA2,537 billion CFA) to support its member countries. As of the end of 2023, Togo accounted for 6.1% of EBID's total commitments.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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